Meeting Rooms

Looking to book a meeting room at Camrose Public Library?

Check Meeting Room Availability

Please call 780-672-4214 to discuss room availability.

Room Descriptions

There are two different spaces available. Please see the Camrose Public Library Fee Policy for pricing. There are discounts for non-profit organizations. Payment is required to confirm the room booking, along with a signed rental agreement.

There are a total of 30 chairs and 15 tables (10 large and 5 small) available for use. Please bring your own consumables (whiteboard markers, paper, etc.). There is one set of portable speakers available if needed. Water pitchers, coffee urns, and hot water urns are available to borrow. They must be cleaned and returned before leaving.

Rooms may only be booked for times that the library is regularly open. The room must be empty and tidied by the end of the reserved time.

Please Note: These spaces are NOT soundproof. We cannot guarantee auditory privacy during room bookings. 

The Irving Room

  • Our largest room
  • Capacity to seat 25 people sitting at tables
  • Capacity to seat 50 people with theater seating
  • Equipped with a projector and screen, if needed

The Sunroom

  • Our mid-size meeting room
  • Capacity to comfortably seat 6-8 people boardroom style
  • Capacity to comfortably seat 14 people with theatre seating
  • Equipped with a projector and screen, if needed

Please review our Conditions for use of areas of library not normally used for public service policy prior to your booking.

Our Community Office (aka the Cave) is not considered a Meeting Room, and as such the Conditions for the Use of Areas of the Library Not Normally Used for Public Services policy does not apply. This room is available for the public to use September-April, and can be reserved for 2 hours, up to 1 week in advance of your desired time. There is no charge for the use of this space. If you are 15 minutes late for your reservation, we may give the space to another. It contains two desks, a Public Use computer that is equipped with a web-camera for video calls, webinars, visitation etc., and can comfortably seat 3-4 people. This space is NOT soundproof, and we cannot guarantee auditory privacy during your booking. The library's general code of conduct and other policies apply to this space. Please call for more information and room availability.