Unattended Children and Vulnerable Patrons

The Camrose Public Library welcomes children of all ages and vulnerable adults to use its facilities and services. The library, its staff, volunteers and anyone else associated with the library are not responsible for any unattended vulnerable persons. It is not the duty of any staff to provide supervision, childcare or to entertain any vulnerable person outside of our scheduled programs.

Responsibility for the welfare and the behaviour of children and vulnerable adults using the library ultimately rests with the parent, guardian, or an assigned caregiver.

Behavioural Requisites for Using the Library Unattended

  • Any unattended person at the library must be capable of leaving the library under their own means, particularly in the event of an emergency or other unexpected event.
  • Any unattended person at the library must be capable of reaching out to an emergency contact (ie know this person’s name, phone number and address).
  • Any unattended person at the library must be capable of behaving in a manner befitting a public place. Unattended people must be capable of using the restroom alone. Their behaviour must also be in compliance with the library’s Workplace Violence Harassment and Other Unacceptable Behaviour Policy.

In instances where a child or vulnerable person cannot meet the behavioural requisites for using the library unattended, their parent, guardian or caregiver must be able to facilitate this behavior. This means that any caregiver must be able to help the patron to leave the library unexpectedly, assist them in the restroom if necessary, and ensure that their behaviour is compliant with our Workplace Violence Harassment and Other Unacceptable Behaviour Policy.

If an Unattended Vulnerable Person is found at the Library

If a child or vulnerable adult is left at the library at closing time, emergency closings or in the event of an emergency situation, the staff person in charge will attempt to contact the parents, guardians or caregivers. If the parent, guardian or adult caregiver cannot be contacted, staff will notify the police. At least two staff will remain with the vulnerable person until the police arrive. Library staff will not transport or take the vulnerable person away from the library building regardless of whether or not they have consent of the vulnerable person’s parent, guardian or caregiver, except in the case of a public emergency.

Any unattended person who engages in inappropriate behaviour as outlined in our Workplace Violence Harassment and Other Unacceptable Behaviour Policy will be asked to leave the library immediately. Police may be called to assist if necessary.

Any child or vulnerable adult who leaves the library cannot be detained by staff.


    Approval Date:  January 2015

    Amended: June 2020, October 2021

    Revision/Review Date: March 2023

    Approval Signature: _________Elizabeth Luck___________________________________________

                                                             Camrose Public Library Board Chair