The Professional Development budget is meant to assist board members and employees to upgrade skills that enhance and/or advance their careers within the Camrose Public Library. Priority will be given to those courses, workshops, or conferences directly related to skills required to fulfill the strategic plan of the library.
Staff are expected and encouraged to continue their professional development through attendance at conferences, seminars, and workshops concerned with the library.
Time spent at conferences, conventions, workshop seminars, or similar training courses shall neither be considered as lieu nor overtime, nor shall travel time spent to attend the above.
Such attendance is to be determined in consultation with the appropriate supervisor and must stay within the budget approved by the Board.
Participants must report on development activities to the Director in a format suitable to share with the library Board.
Course fees shall be reimbursed as pre-authorized upon presentation of proof of successful completion of relevant courses. If accommodation, food, and travel are included in course fees, they will not be reimbursed on top of the course fee.
Conference and course registration fees (eg. The Alberta Library Conference, the Canadian Federation of Library Associations Conference, Alberta Association of Library Technicians conference, Parkland Regional Library workshops, Public Library Services Branch Workshops, Education Institute, distance education courses in the Library Technician programs at SAIT and MacEwan) will be prepaid by the Library.
All professional development must be approved by the Director.
Continuing education includes conferences, workshops, courses, forums, and membership in professional organizations.
Board development workshops will be held at the Camrose Public Library whenever possible to help trustees develop specific skills to adequately fulfill their position.
Board members attend the Alberta Library Conference, Canadian Federation of Library Associations Conference, and Albert Association of Library Technicians Conference as funds and time permit. Preference may be given to those who have never attended a conference as a representative of the Board. The Board covers the registration, accommodation, food, and travel costs of those whom it approves as its representatives. The Board may also approve and cover the costs of trustees attending other conferences, workshops, or courses, as they support the strategic plan of the library. All conference and workshop attendance must be approved by the Board Chair or Finance Committee Chair in advance.
Reimbursed Travel Expenses
Reimbursement rates will be reviewed annually.
Meals will be reimbursed the reasonable actual cost plus GST and a maximum 15% gratuity on the meal cost. Alcohol expenses will not be covered unless prior permission is granted. Meals without receipts will be reimbursed at reasonable amounts.
Reasonable Rates for Reimbursement Without Receipt (review annually):
- Breakfast $10.00
- Lunch $15.00
- Supper $25.00
Travel Costs:
Travel cost will be reimbursed based on the most direct, practical, and cost-effective route and mode of transportation. Mileage will be paid at the City of Camrose rate. Receipts are required for taxi, parking, flights, etc.
Accommodation Expenses:
Accommodations will be reimbursed in full; a receipt is required. Private accommodations are reimbursed at $25.00 per night with no receipt required for travel more than 100 km from Camrose.
Approval Date: November 2014
Amended: November 2016, February 2017
Revision/Review Date: February 2018
Approval Signature: __________Elizabeth Luck___________________________________________
Original Signed by Camrose Public Library Board Chair