Naloxone Policy

The objective of having naloxone in the library is to preserve life, prevent harm, and promote recovery. Although any member of the public is able to administer naloxone, staff will have access to training to learn to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose, administer naloxone, and provide after-care until emergency help arrives.

Staff have the duty of care to themselves and others to provide first aid assistance to the level of their competence, and to call on expert assistance if necessary.

The Director shall be responsible for ensuring:

  • that there are at least two naloxone kits on site and that those kits be replaced prior to expiration
  • the naloxone is stored in a secure location
  • that staff have access to training if they so desire


Approval Date: November 21, 2017


Revision/Review Date: November 2020

Approval Signature: ________Elizabeth Luck_______________________________________________

                                                Camrose Public Library Board Chair