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Read your favourite international, national, and provincial newspapers online, often before it even hits newsstands. Enjoy newspapers at home or on your mobile.
These instructions are for accessing PressReader outside of the library. If you are using library wifi, you will be automatically connected to Parkland Regional Library's PressReader hotspot and don't have to sign in. However, signing in gives you more features, like commenting on, saving, and sharing articles.
“Please note that the Globe and Mail can only be accessed inside the library due to their copyright restrictions.”
Using the PressReader website
- Go to the PressReader website – www.pressreader.com
- If you are accessing PressReader from outside of the library sign in with your library card number to access full content.
- Click Sign In in the top right corner.
- Click Library Card.
- Select Parkland Regional Library from drop down list. Enter your information. Click Sign In.
- A green cup appears on the top of the screen when you are successfully connected to the library's PressReader hotspot.
- The home page of PressReader features top news stories. To access publications, click the three-bar icon in the top left corner.
- Select Publications.
- Click a newspaper/magazine to start reading.
Your authentication for PressReader lasts two days. Afterward, you will need to login again to continue accessing content.
If you have difficulty accessing content:
- Click your username in the top right corner. Click Sign Out.
- Sign back in with your library card.
Using the PressReader App
- Download the PressReader app from your app store.
- If you are accessing PressReader from outside of the library sign in to your PressReader account to access full content.
- Open the PressReader app. Tap Accounts (or the silhouette icon, depending on the device you are using).
- Tap Sign In.
- Tap the Library Card icon (orange square).
- Select Parkland Regional Library from the list of libraries. (Use the search bar to find Parkland faster.) Enter your library card information. Tap Sign In.
- Tap a newspaper or magazine you want to read.
- Tap Open. This will automatically download the publication to your device so you can read it offline. (The download process can take a few minutes.)
Your authentication for PressReader lasts two days. After your authentication expires, PressReader will prompt you for payment. Don’t pay. Reauthenticate:
- Tap Accounts (or the silhouette icon).
- Tap your account information.
- Tap Sign Out.
- Tap Sign In and sign back in with your library card.