Little Free Pantry

The Library houses a free, no-questions-asked Little Free Pantry, where those in need can help themselves to perishable and non-perishable food items to help get them through difficult times. The pantry can be accessed any time during our open hours, at no charge. 

If you are able to donate to the Little Free Pantry, we always gratefully accept cash donations, and donations of $20.00 or more will receive a tax receipt from the Library. You can donate at the Library, or make a donation online

For those wanting to donate food items, we are always in need of: 

Dry-Goods Refrigerator Freezer
Canned Protein Yogurt Bread
Canned Fruit Milk English Muffins
Pasta Cheese Frozen Pizzas
Pasta Sauces Lunch Meat Frozen Vegetables
Cereal Cream Cheese Meat
Sugar Margarine/Butter Perogies
Flour Eggs
Feminine Hygiene Products
Toothpaste and Brushes

When donating food items, please be mindful of expiry dates, as we can not put expired food into the pantry. 

Thank you for your generosity, and support of our community. For more questions about when and how to donate, please contact us at or 403-887-2130.