Summary of the FOIP Act
The FOIP Act is based on two essential principles: the right to access information and the right to privacy. Parkland Regional Library System is committed to complying with the FOIP Act and supporting its principles.
- You have the right to access information that Parkland Regional Library System has about you.
- You have the right to request Parkland Regional Library System correct personal information it has about you.
- The Act controls the way in which Parkland Regional Library System may collect personal information from you, controls the use that Parkland Regional Library System may make of your personal information and controls how Parkland Regional Library System can disclose information about you.
- You have the right to request independent review of any issue related to FOIP by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner.
FOIP Requests
Parkland Regional Library System has a FOIP Coordinator. Requests for information can be made directly to the FOIP Coordinator by completing a FOIP Request Form.
General requests, or requests for non-personal information, require a fee of $25 payable to Parkland Regional Library System. Requests for personal information do not require an initial fee. If the request is made on behalf of another individual, an Authorization of Representative Form must be submitted.
Contact Information
FOIP Coordinator
4565 46th Street
Lacombe, AB T4L 0K2
Phone: 403-782-3850