- Open Parliament - This independent, non-governmental site aims to make votes, speeches, committees, social media interactions, and other information about your member of parliaments more easily accessible.
- data.gc.ca - Data.gc.ca provides one-stop access to the Government of Canada’s searchable open data and open information, together with open dialogue, as part of the federal government’s commitment to enhance transparency and accountability.
- Peel Library - Peel's Prairie Provinces is a resource dedicated to assisting scholars, students, and researchers of all types in their exploration of western Canadian history and the culture of the Canadian prairies.
- Our Future Our Past - Our Future, Our Past: The Alberta Heritage Digitization Project (AHDP) is a not-for-profit endeavor that ran from 1999 to 2010 to provide all those interested in Alberta's history free, online access to cultural and heritage materials. Browse newspapers from 1885, read entire books about local communities, research legal documents, view historic photographs, and explore much more!
- Online Reference Centre - Curricular aligned digital resource support for K - 12 students
- Glassdoor - Glassdoor is the world's most transparent career community that is changing the way people find jobs, and companies recruit top talent. Glassdoor holds a growing database of 6 million company reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, interview reviews and questions, benefits reviews, job listings, amd more.