Gallery Wall Space at Carstairs Public Library

a moss green wall filled with paintings and art of various sizes and frames. many sunsets in rectangular frames, a landscape in the shape of a cutting board. sculptures of animals line the bottom shelf

Thanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Carstairs Public Library we are able to offer a space for local artists to share their works with the community and brighten our space.  Our mission is to be a place for everyone. We want to encourage creativity and foster collaborative relationships throughout our community through spaces like this.  

Current Exhibit: Local Photographers 

This month we feature a number of local amateur photographers.  

Upcoming Exhibits: 

We are currently accepting applications, so watch this spot for a list of upcoming shows as we announce them. 

Past Exhibits: 

Debbie Pollock-paintings

Hugh Sutherland School-student art

Catherine Falls-Paintings

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who can apply to display their art in the Community Gallery?

Preference is given to artists from the Carstairs and Mountain View County area.  These may be individuals or groups of artists.  Space will also be provided for exhibits through our partnerships with not-for-profit arts groups, educational institutions and community organizations

How can I apply to display my art in the Community Gallery?

Artists are asked to fill out the Community Gallery Submission form and include a description of the exhibit, an artist biography and sample images of your work.  Please note we review submissions 4 times a year.  You will receive a reply within 1-2 months of your submission.  Please do not call regarding the status of your proposal, as we respond to all of the submissions after each review period. 

What criteria is used to select exhibits?

  • Artwork will be chosen for quality, originality and consistency of style and form.
  • Exhibits must be suitable for public spaces serving people of all ages, and support a welcoming environment.
  • Community Gallery space may not be used for commercial or political purposes, for the solicitation of business, for profit or for fundraising, other than fundraising that supports the Library.
  • Artwork should be ready for hanging/display.  Our hanging system requires each work to have a claw bracket, wire or ring on the back of the piece.  You are welcome to come in and check the system to ensure your pieces will able to hang easily. 
  • The library manager and library board shall determine if an exhibit is appropriate for display in the Community Gallery and reserves the right to refuse any exhibit.

How long is artwork displayed?

Generally, exhibits will be for a period of one month.

What are the artist’s responsibilities?

  • Each artist or group will need to sign an Exhibit Agreement
  • Hanging works should be framed or otherwise suitably displayed, using the hanging system approved by the library.
  • Artists must install their own artworks for liability reasons.  Carstairs staff will be available to show how the hanging system works. 
  • Artists must be available to set up and take down their exhibits within the timeframe provided by the library. 
  • The Artist is responsible for insurance coverage of their works during this exhibition.

A close up of the strange hooks we use to hang art on the wall. I genuinely have no way to describe this device. Best i can describe is its like a round oval with a thin metal cable running through it. The bottom half hollowed out and smoothly curving into a hook

This is what the hanging hooks look like.  You are welcome to come in and check them out before applying so you can ensure your artwork will work with this system. 

Will Carstairs Library reimburse me for displaying my art?

No, the purpose of the community gallery is to share and celebrate the talents of local artists, both professional and amateur.  Participation is voluntary, we are providing you with an opportunity to showcase your work in a space that is frequently visited by many.

Can I sell my artwork at the library?

Artists are able to leave a list of works and their contact information (including business cards) with the library.  The Library will not broker any sales but will provide the Artists information and prices to members of the public who ask and the Artist is responsible for any sales.  Artwork must remain up for the entirety of the exhibition regardless of any private sales. 


a closer view of the art wall described above. The paintings here are red flowers on a yellow background, a sunset in a brown frame, a close up of a pink flower, a mountain and lake landscape painted on a cutting board with a handle, and last but not least is a mountain landscape with beautiful trees and a raging river