Get Involved

Volunteer Opportunities


Junior Volunteers

If you are in grade five to grade 10 and looking for a great volunteer opportunity, please drop in and speak to Laura or email her here.

Adults Volunteers

If you are interested in volunteering contact Carley Binder.

Friends of the Library

We are also looking for new members for the Friends of the Library group. The group participates in fund-raising, enhancing our collection, adding new services, improving our facilities, and volunteering within the library.

Another purpose of the Friends of the Library is to provide political support for the library and to increase the visibility of the library in the community. The use of the Friends of the Library to promote the library can work in both formal and informal ways. As well as taking news of the library out into the community, the group can be used to increase the level of community input into library policies and plans.

An annual membership fee is only $5.00.

If you would like to join the Society of the Friends of the Blackfalds Public Library please drop in or contact us.

Library Board

The Library Board works with the Library Administrator to provide continuous excellent service to the public.  The Library Board creates policies, budgets and mandates to better serve our community.  The Library Board meets once a month for 2 - 3 hours and discusses upcoming items related to the functionality & finances of the library and more.

If you are interested in sitting on the library board please stop by and pick up a volunteer form or contact the Town of Blackfalds and apply.