Apply to become a Board Member

What We Do:


  • Advocate the Library's role in the community
  • Report regularly to local and provincial governments and the public
  • Stay informed of trends and legislation affecting public libraries
  • Build community pride in the Library
  • Help establish the Library as an essential community service


  • Assist the Manager with preparing a budget that fits the Library's goals and objectives
  • Attend Board and committee meetings
  • Assist in maintaining an open dialogue with the community
  • Build strong relationships with municipal council


  • Establish policies
  • Appoint Library Manager
  • Develop and oversee the Library's Strategic Plan
  • Determine community needs
  • Develop strategic partnerships with community groups and leaders

What You Bring

Library Board members are:

  • Knowledgeable about the community
  • Willing and interested to contribute
  • Forward thinking

Library Board members bring experience, expertise and enthusiasm in the following areas:

  • Advocacy
  • Finance
  • Fundraising
  • Legal
  • Marketing and Communications

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time commitment to be a Board member?

The Stettler Library Board meets once a month on the third Wednesday from September through June at 5:15 p.m. Members are expected to review the meeting package in advance of the meeting and arrive ready to discuss. Members typically also sit on one of several committees (personnel and finance, policy, advocacy & programming).

Is there any compensation?

Library Board members are volunteers and are not compensated monetarily. Library Board members are compensated for out of pocket expenses related to Board business, such as professional development sessions, mileage, meals and other costs incurred while performing duties on behalf of the library.

Does the Library Board deal with day-to-day operations of the library?

The Library Board's role is to establish strategic goals for the Library and to ensure the allocation of financial resources. The Board monitors the Library's progress toward its goals. This work occurs within the policy framework the Board establishes, which governs how the Library functions.

The day-to-day management of the Library is the responsibility of the Library Manager.

Further Questions?

We encourage you to contact the Library Board Chair through the Library Manager for more information.